3rd Collaborative European Freshwater Science Project for Young Researchers, (“FreshProject”) - call for Proposals
We invite proposals for a project to be supported by the European Federation of Freshwater Sciences (EFFS). The call has been developed as a joint effort of the EFFS board and the EFFS Federated Societies, and the European Fresh and Young Researchers (EFYR) and representatives of the Fresh Blood for Fresh Water (FBFW) meetings. It has the primary goals of: a) encouraging early career freshwater researchers across Europe to create synergistic interactions that lead to new knowledge, b) promoting networking among early career European Limnologists and c) offering experience in generating research ideas, acquiring funding, planning and carrying out a collaborative international scientific project.
Proposals submitted to the present call should specify original research on any aspect of the ecology of inland waters. The applications must be sent simultaneously to the e-mail addresses shown in this page.
We are seeking to support research relying on the original and well‐designed use of inexpensive and simple methodology, and will favour multidisciplinary interactions among early career researchers from European countries. Thus, the evaluation will consider not only the scientific quality of the proposal, but especially the chances for promoting collaboration among European early career freshwater scientists, both by integrating them in the initial proposal and by offering opportunities for further integration for the project development. This is an `equal opportunity call’ which is open to all early career members of the limnological societies constituting EFFS. The EFFS‐federated societies listed below financially support this programme and kindly encourage the participation of their early career members.
The budget available for this 3rd call is 8,300 euros (VAT included), which could be supplemented by funds provided by the participants or their institutions. This budget may cover consumables and travel expenses, conference fees and publication costs. Salaries and non‐consumable materials cannot be paid by the budget.
The final team must include at least one participant affiliated to each of the 10 EFFS‐Federated funding Societies, which are the following:
‐ Association Française de Limnologie (France). ‐ Association of Austrian SIL‐Members (Austria). ‐ Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia (Italy). ‐ Asociación Ibérica de Limnología/Associação Ibérica de Limnologia (Spain and Portugal). ‐ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie e.V. (Germany). ‐ Freshwater Biological Association (United Kingdom). ‐ Hrvatsko Udruženje Slatkovodnih Ekologa (Croatia). ‐ Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság (Hungary). ‐ Polskie Towarzystwo Hydrobiologiczne (Poland). ‐ Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Hydrologie und Limnologie/Société Suisse d'Hydrologie et de Limnologie/Società Svizzera di Idrologia e Limnologia (Switzerland).
In the absence of any participant affiliated to each of these societies in the final project team, the budget available may be reduced by the sum contributed by that society.
For more details about Rules, How to apply, Submission deadline, Evaluation criteria and Team assembly, download the call from the link in this page.