EFFS Award for the best PhD Dissertation in Freshwater Sciences - Call 2019-2020
1. The European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS) is launching a new call of the EFFS Award for the best PhD Dissertation in Freshwater Sciences, which will recognize outstanding scientific and intellectual work in the field of Freshwater Sciences performed by Early Career Researchers in Europe.
2. Possible applicants to this Award must be authors of doctoral theses presented in Europe dealing with Freshwater Sciences during the biennium 2019‐2020. The applicant should be member of an Association related to Freshwater Sciences affiliated to the European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS). The PhD dissertation can be written in any European language.
3. Applicants should submit their application to the EFFS‐Federated Society of the country where they have defended the PhD thesis or, alternatively, if different, to the EFFS‐Federated Society they are affiliated. In the application, a complete copy of the PhD dissertations in pdf format MUST be accompanied by an extended abstract in English (max 6 printed pages single spaced, and containing a maximum of 4 figures). The extended abstract must be signed by the supervisor(s), and should be complemented by a list of publications resulting from the PhD work including their doi. Theses submitted without these documents will be not considered for further evaluation, since the evaluation will be mainly based on the extended abstract and publication list as both are written in English.
4. EFFS‐Federated Societies will perform a pre‐selection according to common rules and time schedule for selection and using evaluation criteria similar to those for Marie Curie fellowship proposals. Thus, dissertation will be evaluated according to their scientific/technological quality (score 0‐25), originality (0‐25), methodological approach (0‐25), relevance and potential scientific impact of the work carried out (0‐25).
5. For this call, the PhD thesis must have been defended between January 1st 2019 and December 31st 2020.
6. Each EFFS‐Federated Society can submit two selected PhD dissertations for the final evaluation, not later than January 30th, 2021. This number can be increased proportionally for those Associations representing more than one European country (e.g. AIL collects both Spanish and Portuguese theses and the number of dissertations can be 4, a maximum of 2 per country). In any case, no more than four dissertations can be presented by each association. Once selected by the EFFS federated Society, the required documents for each of the selected PhD dissertations must be submitted before the deadline, by the corresponding national representative, to the EFFS Chairperson in a single message attaching all documents.
7. The final evaluation will be carried out by an international Jury likely by the end of March 2021. Members of the Jury are identified among the members of the Board of Representatives at EFFS or designated scientists from the EFFS‐federated associations. The evaluation is based on the criteria and scores specified in point 4 (above), given by this jury to the extended abstract in English and the publications collected in the accompanying list (point 3).
8. There will be one main and two subsidiary prizes. The main prize will consist in the invitation to give a plenary lecture at the next Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS‐12) to be virtually held in Dublin (Ireland), plus a Diploma, and a grant covering the registration fee to attend SEFS‐12, which could be additionally complemented with items of scientific interest. During this meeting, the awarded author, who do not need to register in SEFS‐12 but instead confirming directly with the organizers his/her attendance, will give the invited dedicated Plenary Lecture on his/her PhD dissertation topic. The winners of the subsidiary prizes will receive a Diploma and a grant covering the registration fee to SEFS‐12, though they have to register in any case.
9. Recipients of the Awards will be informed at least three months before the opening session of SEFS‐12.
10. An awards ceremony will be held just before the dedicated Plenary Lecture. In addition to the Plenary Lecture, given by the main prize winner, the 6 page summary of the three awarded theses will be published at the EFFS webpage (http://www.freshwatersciences.eu) as well as at the SEFS‐12 webpage (https://www.sefs12.com/). Additional to the summaries, a poster explaining the content of each of the three awarded theses will be exhibited at the poster sessions of the SEFS‐12. Posters must be provided by the authors themselves.