Scientists' statement on EU water pollution standards
We are pleased to share on the EFFS website a statement of support for a swift and adequate update of the EU water pollution standards under the Environmental Quality Standards Directive (EQSD), also amending the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Groundwater Directive (GWD).
The statement has been signed by no less than 465 scientists around the world, concerned about freshwaters health. Freshwater habitats are biodiversity hotspots and provide society with a wide range of ecosystem services. But due to human impact, including pollution, they are now among the most threatened habitats on Earth.
Ahead of the 2nd interinstitutional dialogues (April 7th), this statement has been addressed by email to the main relevant EU policymakers to ask to reject proposals that undermine the Water Framework Directive and its environmental objectives, and instead urgently adopt up-to-date rules, reflecting the state of the current scientific knowledge to address chemical water pollution.
This initiative has been coordinated by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB).